
Aesthetic Physician Dr. Shumaila Khan

Psoriasis Treatment in Islamabad

Psoriasis often appears on the elbow, knee, back, face, feet, and/or scalp in the form of core or itchy patches of red skin with silvery scales. Psoriasis can also appear on other parts of the body and some patients having psoriasis also contract a type of arthritis named psoriatic arthritis.

What are a few psoriasis causes?

Psoriasis is fundamentally triggered by an issue in your immune system. It is important to mention here that normally skin cells which grow in your skin gradually rise to the surface over a prior of about a month. However, in patients having psoriasis disease this process occurs in just a few days because your immune system causes your cells to grow extremely fast.

How is psoriatic arthritis diagnosed?

Psoriatic arthritis is sometimes very hard to diagnose because psoriasis symptoms appear like other skin conditions. It is highly recommended that you go for a dermatological consultation session with a board-certified skin expert to get your condition diagnosed. Your skin doctor may require a tiny skin sample to see under a microscope to properly diagnose scalp psoriasis, nail psoriasis or any psoriasis skin if you have psoriasis.

What are a few psoriasis symptoms?

  • Appearance of red patches, covered with silvery scales on the skin
  • Emergence of scaling spots on the skin
  • Cracked, dry and bleeding skin
  • Itching, burning or soreness in the skin
  • Ridged, tick nails
  • Inflammation and stiffness in joints

What makes psoriasis condition worst?

Sometimes psoriasis can take longer to go away, sometimes even a lifetime. Psoriasis can also be intermittent – symptoms can come and go. Other factors that make psoriasis worse include:

  • Skin infections that are pertinent for quite some time.
  • Stress is another basic factor that leads to many concerns.
  • Dry skin condition that is around for a while and not going away
  • Certain medications like lower immunity or use of specific drugs.

Head to Dermalase for an effective Psoriasis treatment

Psoriasis often occurs in adults and sometimes it is hereditary. There are several treatment options for psoriasis, including the use of medicines, creams, laser treatment and other therapies. Our lead Aesthetic Physician, Dr. Shumaila, would be in a better position to diagnose and treat your psoriasis. She starts with a consultation and ends with post-treatment care. Dr. Shumaila Khan will also prescribe the best in-line treatment and medicines for effective Psoriasis treatment.

Book a consultation with skin specialist in Islamabad Dr. Shumaila today!