Aesthetic Physician Dr. Shumaila Khan

Rashes/skin allergy Treatment in Islamabad
Dermatologists agree on the notion that skin allergy and Rash is not a separate and particular diagnosis; it is fundamentally a broader term that generally describes outburst of skin swelling and blemishes that alter the way the human skin appears and feels. Some common types of skin rashes include poison eve, heat rash, eczema, red spots on skin
What is pityriasis rosea and a few rash types?
Some common, noninfectious rashes include the following:
- Pityriasis rosea: This condition includes scaly rash that sweeps in the outward direction like a pine tree.
- Seborrheic Dermatitis: Seborrheic dermatitis has come out as the most common rash attacking adults. The condition generates a reddish scaling discharge that mostly affects the scalp, forehead, external ears, cheeks and brows.
- Diaper Rash: Infants who wear diapers mostly contract diaper rash. This condition occurs when feces and urine remain in contact with the infant’s skin for too long.
- Atopic Dermatitis: Also called eczema, atopic dermatitis produces red, itchy and weeping rashes on the inner parts of the elbows and knee back. This type of skin rash can also attack the ankles, face, neck and wrists. This type of rash is commonly found in asthma and hay fever patients.
- Stasis Dermatitis: This type of rash targets the lower legs of individuals having inflammation due to abnormal blood circulation in the veins. It is mostly oozy and weepy dermatitis.
What triggers rash on skin?
According to Dr. Shumaila, factors that trigger rashes include viral, bacterial and fungal infections. Many skin allergy treatments are done with the help of over-the-counter products; however, you must have a dermatological consultation with a board certified dermatologist to get a prescription. Moreover, rashes that do not go away in a few days shall be studied in detail by your dermatologist.
What are other skin rashes?
Other types of common, noninfectious skin rashes include contact dermatitis, psoriasis, nummular eczema, drug eruption, viral rash, hives, and heat rash, scabies rash, discoid rash, rash on face, butterfly rash
Why choose Dr. Shumaila Khan for skin allergy treatment?
Dr. Shumaila Khan is the leading skin expert in Islamabad who specializes in the treatment of skin conditions, including rashes. She has so far treated hundreds of patients having skin rashes.
Head to Dermalase for an effective diagnosis of skin allergy
Whether you are suffering from infectious or noninfectious skin rashes, you should book a dermatological consultation session with Dr. Shumaila, the lead Skin expert in Islamabad.
Book an appointment with Dr. Shumaila Khan today to get your skin rash diagnosed and treated.