
Aesthetic Physician Dr. Shumaila Khan

Eczema Treatment in Islamabad

Eczema is a condition that causes the skin to get irritation or inflammation. One of the most common eczemas is called atopic eczema or atopic dermatitis, whereby atopic describes a batch of diseases with a genetic inclination to grow other allergic skin conditions like hay fever and asthma. Eczema treatment is important for a perfect cure from dyshidrotic eczema

Who is affected by Eczema?

Researchers suggest that eczema attacks around 10 to 20 percent of newborns and 3 percent of children and adults. A majority of the patients notice the condition getting worse after their 10th birthday whereas others notice the condition off and on throughout their lives. According to Dr. Shumaila, the disease can be controlled if diagnosed early and treated properly by a professional and board certified dermatologists. Some types of this disease include: eczema on face, eczema on hands, eczema skin and scalp eczema

What are a few Eczema causes and Symptoms?

Allergic Eczema has the potential to attack any part of the body. The condition is very itchy and creates un-comfort in the patients. At times, the itching will begin before the condition becomes visible in the form of rashes. It has been noted that the rashes usually appear on the face, hands, feet, knees and wrists, in addition to other parts of the body.

When to see a Dermatologist?

You should immediately book a dermatological consultation session with Dr. Shumaila if:

  • Your skin becomes dry, thick or scaly
  • Red or brown rashes appear on your skin
  • Your skin starts itching
  • Your skin becomes darker or lighter than normal
  • If you feel oozing and crusting condition on your skin, chiefly on your face or scalp

What Causes Allergic Eczema?

Even though the exact cause of eczema is yet to be scientifically determined, yet it is largely agreed among dermatologists that overreaction of your body’s immune system causes this condition. In other words, it is an autoimmune disorder caused by your body’s hyper-resistance against outside agents. Eczema has also been found to be common in families having a history of other allergic conditions or asthma. Skin contact with certain allergic substances also causes eczema, including soap or detergents, jewelry or plants and other products. Stress is also being held responsible for eczema in some patients.

Head to Dermalase for an effective diagnosis and Eczema treatment

No matter what is causing your eczema, you should book a dermatological consultation session with Dr. Shumaila who will first diagnose the condition and then come up with a proper treatment plan for your specific case. Your condition can be diagnosed by asking you few, simple questions and looking at your skin. In some cases, Dr. Shumaila may ask you to undergo a few tests to identify likely irritants.

Get an appointment with Dr. Shumaila today to get your skin condition diagnosed and treated.