Dark Circles Treatment
Aesthetic Physician Dr. Shumaila Khan

Dark Circles Treatment in Islamabad
Types of Dark Circle Treatments
Aesthetic Physician Dr. Shumaila has a number of experts who elaborate and discuss with you and provide treatments with best treatment for dark circles around eyes and dark circles under eyes like eye cream, injectable fillers and skin resurfacing, acute pulsed light therapy or a combination of more than one solutions.
Once the reason behind dark circles is figured out, best-in-line dark circles under eye treatment is provided to make you look 10 years younger!
What do I need to know about Dark circles before treatment?
Before you go for dark circles treatment, it is important to diagnose the condition, after which your skin expert may prescribe and administer you one or a combination of treatment options. At Dr. Shumaila Khan’s skin care clinic in Islamabad, dark circles treatments often include the use of eye cream, injectable fillers and skin resurfacing, acute pulsed light therapy or a combination of more than one solution. Dark circles, also described as tired eyes, is a common issue among men and women across the world. This condition can attack women and men of any age.
Why Choose Dermalase ?
Dr. Shumaila Khan operates on international standards and stays up-to-date about innovative treatments available on the dermatology market. This is why we also accept the universally accepted fact that there exists no single “best treatment” for dark circles. For dark circles treatment to be effective, the subject shall go for early appointment with a certified skin expert Dr. Shumaila Khan.